أعدت المعلمة : منى الصغير.... استبيان لطالبات الصف الثاني ثانوي بقسمية العلمي و الأدبي بخصوص التعرف على مشاكل الطالبات في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية لتلافي حدوثها في الأعوام المقبلة .
ولوحظ خلال نتائج الإستبيان أن الطالبات انقسمن إلى قسمين : قسم يحبذ تعلم اللغة الانجليزية لأسباب و القسم الآخر لايؤيد تعلم اللغة الانجليزية لأسباب أخرى.
أ) بالنسبة للفئة الأولى(اللتي تفضل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية) وجدنا الآراء التالية :
1-55% من الطالبات يعتقدن أن اللغة الانجليزية مهمة للغاية لدرجة أن 12%منهن يعتقدن أنها أكثر أهميه من اللغة العربية .
2-48% من هؤلاء الطالبات يحضرن جميع حصص اللغة الانجليزية بشكل منتظم.
3-55 % منهن يلاقين صعوبة في تعلم اللغة أثناء الحصة والأسباب هي :
أ-16% منهن لايجدن من يساعدهن في حل الواجبات المنزلية لهده المادة.
ب-10% منهن يعتقدن أن البيئة المحيطة (المدرسة , المنزل ) غير مناسبة لتعلم اللغة. لدلك يلاقين صعوبة بتعلم اللغة .
ج-2% فقط يعتقدن أن الوسائل البصرية (عارض الشرائح , اللوحات الموضحة لفقرات الدرس ) .
د-4% يعتقدن أن جعل الفصل الدراسي يجب أن يكون زاهي الألوان لكي يستطعن استيعاب الدرس.
ه-8% يعتقدن أن منهج اللغة الانجليزية لا يحتوي على مواضيع حديثة مما جعل حضور الدرس اقرب إلى الشعور بالملل.
و-15% يعتقدن ا نهن يلاقين هده الصعوبة بسبب تقصير حاصل من جانبهم مثل : أنهن لا يراجعن الدرس المشروح
في الفصل عندما يصلن للمنزل كل يوم.
ب) بالنسبة للفئة الأخرى (اللتي لا تفضل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية) وجدنا الرأي التالي :
1-31% من الطالبات لايؤيدن تعلم هده اللغة لأنها لغة أعداء المسلمين , 19% ذاتهن لا يدرسنها لأنها لغة الأمريكان.
ج) استبعدت 3 أوراق من الإحصاء لان المعنيات بالأمر لم يعرن اهتمام للجملة رقم 10 الموجودة في الإستبيان .
1-English is a very important language.
2-I always attend all my English classes .
3-I can't understand English subject in class.
4-I can understand English while I am watching English programs on T.V.
5-When I was in my Primary and intermediate schools , my English teacher was not teaching me well or in a good way.
6-I don't like English language because no one at home can help me in doing my homework.
7-I listen to English songs without music which are called " Anasheed Islamiah" only, because I enjoy listening to them .
8- I want to learn how to speak English ,but I think I live in a wrong environment .
9- I think that I have to learn English ,although I dislike it .
10- Mark "I agree" for this statement please.
11- I think English language is more important than Arabic language .
12- If my English teacher uses visual aids ,I will be able to learn English easier.
13- If my English teacher makes her class colorful and attractive , I will understand clearly.
14- I think my English book is too old style one , because of that ,I can't understand this subject .
15-I am not used to study English every day , because I think I can't understand it any more .
16- when I speak in Arabic , I use some English words to show that , I am an educated person .
17- I don't use English words while speaking because I think it is the language of our enemies as Muslims.
18-My family dislikes English because it is an American language .
19- I believe that our life as Saudi people depends on English language because we use it in hospitals ,restaurants ,etc
20- I think education is the future .
Headmistress: Fadilah Al Nussian.
Supervisor : Fadwa Abo Alhassan.
مرسلة من الثانوية بنات إلى الثانوي بنات بتاريخ 6/11/2010 11:54:00 ص
ولوحظ خلال نتائج الإستبيان أن الطالبات انقسمن إلى قسمين : قسم يحبذ تعلم اللغة الانجليزية لأسباب و القسم الآخر لايؤيد تعلم اللغة الانجليزية لأسباب أخرى.
أ) بالنسبة للفئة الأولى(اللتي تفضل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية) وجدنا الآراء التالية :
1-55% من الطالبات يعتقدن أن اللغة الانجليزية مهمة للغاية لدرجة أن 12%منهن يعتقدن أنها أكثر أهميه من اللغة العربية .
2-48% من هؤلاء الطالبات يحضرن جميع حصص اللغة الانجليزية بشكل منتظم.
3-55 % منهن يلاقين صعوبة في تعلم اللغة أثناء الحصة والأسباب هي :
أ-16% منهن لايجدن من يساعدهن في حل الواجبات المنزلية لهده المادة.
ب-10% منهن يعتقدن أن البيئة المحيطة (المدرسة , المنزل ) غير مناسبة لتعلم اللغة. لدلك يلاقين صعوبة بتعلم اللغة .
ج-2% فقط يعتقدن أن الوسائل البصرية (عارض الشرائح , اللوحات الموضحة لفقرات الدرس ) .
د-4% يعتقدن أن جعل الفصل الدراسي يجب أن يكون زاهي الألوان لكي يستطعن استيعاب الدرس.
ه-8% يعتقدن أن منهج اللغة الانجليزية لا يحتوي على مواضيع حديثة مما جعل حضور الدرس اقرب إلى الشعور بالملل.
و-15% يعتقدن ا نهن يلاقين هده الصعوبة بسبب تقصير حاصل من جانبهم مثل : أنهن لا يراجعن الدرس المشروح
في الفصل عندما يصلن للمنزل كل يوم.
ب) بالنسبة للفئة الأخرى (اللتي لا تفضل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية) وجدنا الرأي التالي :
1-31% من الطالبات لايؤيدن تعلم هده اللغة لأنها لغة أعداء المسلمين , 19% ذاتهن لا يدرسنها لأنها لغة الأمريكان.
ج) استبعدت 3 أوراق من الإحصاء لان المعنيات بالأمر لم يعرن اهتمام للجملة رقم 10 الموجودة في الإستبيان .
In the Name of Allah ,the Most Compassionate , the Most Merciful
First of all, this Questionnaire is actually specialized to Secondary 's students . Specifically, These questions are done by the new English Instructor : Muna Al- Sugair to identify the real , and exact problems that students of Secondary face while they are learning English as a second language . In other word, I have done my best in this sheet to figure out why would students of Secondary have difficulties in learning English Language. To conclude , , I absolutely wish the best to Alhadara's students
First of all, this Questionnaire is actually specialized to Secondary 's students . Specifically, These questions are done by the new English Instructor : Muna Al- Sugair to identify the real , and exact problems that students of Secondary face while they are learning English as a second language . In other word, I have done my best in this sheet to figure out why would students of Secondary have difficulties in learning English Language. To conclude , , I absolutely wish the best to Alhadara's students
1-English is a very important language.
2-I always attend all my English classes .
3-I can't understand English subject in class.
4-I can understand English while I am watching English programs on T.V.
5-When I was in my Primary and intermediate schools , my English teacher was not teaching me well or in a good way.
6-I don't like English language because no one at home can help me in doing my homework.
7-I listen to English songs without music which are called " Anasheed Islamiah" only, because I enjoy listening to them .
8- I want to learn how to speak English ,but I think I live in a wrong environment .
9- I think that I have to learn English ,although I dislike it .
10- Mark "I agree" for this statement please.
11- I think English language is more important than Arabic language .
12- If my English teacher uses visual aids ,I will be able to learn English easier.
13- If my English teacher makes her class colorful and attractive , I will understand clearly.
14- I think my English book is too old style one , because of that ,I can't understand this subject .
15-I am not used to study English every day , because I think I can't understand it any more .
16- when I speak in Arabic , I use some English words to show that , I am an educated person .
17- I don't use English words while speaking because I think it is the language of our enemies as Muslims.
18-My family dislikes English because it is an American language .
19- I believe that our life as Saudi people depends on English language because we use it in hospitals ,restaurants ,etc
20- I think education is the future .
Headmistress: Fadilah Al Nussian.
Supervisor : Fadwa Abo Alhassan.
In the Name of Allah ,the Most Compassionate , the Most Compassionate .
Comments on the Questionnaire
After collecting students' answers about this questionnaire , I found 2nd secondary students are divided into two separated groups according to their answers .The first group actually prefer learning English as a second language ,but they definitely face some difficulties while learning process .About 52%of them believe that English is very important language. At the extent 12% of them believe English is more important than Arabic ,so 48%of these students attend their English classes regularly.
Around 25% of students who like English find some problems in learning .They actually can't understand this subject in class because of different reasons . First,18% of these students can't receive any help at home in doing English homework .Secondly ,about 10% of them think surrounded by un useful environment ,so they feel it is difficult to learn. Third, just one student thinks that she can't understand English because English teacher doesn't use visual aids while teaching .Fourth, 4%of students believe that they should learn English in colorful , and attractive classrooms .8% of them believe their English book is very old style one ,so it is not useful in learning process. Moreover, 15% of them said they themselves have a problem that causes this difficulty in getting the language .They absolutely don't study English every single day , so it can't be understood any more.
On the other hand , there are about 31%of students believe that they don't used to learn English because it is our enemies' language ,19% of them don't want learning this language because it is American ,unfortunately.
Finally, we now can identify the real causes behind students' poor level . Easily , we can give more and help them to success ,due to the fact , they want to reach the top and be successful . Therefore, We can put our hands together to raise up our young seeds to be useful, great trees in a way or another because all students who fill in this questionnaire believe that " education is the future" ,so they trust their promising future …
Instructor : Muna Al_Sugair
Comments on the Questionnaire
After collecting students' answers about this questionnaire , I found 2nd secondary students are divided into two separated groups according to their answers .The first group actually prefer learning English as a second language ,but they definitely face some difficulties while learning process .About 52%of them believe that English is very important language. At the extent 12% of them believe English is more important than Arabic ,so 48%of these students attend their English classes regularly.
Around 25% of students who like English find some problems in learning .They actually can't understand this subject in class because of different reasons . First,18% of these students can't receive any help at home in doing English homework .Secondly ,about 10% of them think surrounded by un useful environment ,so they feel it is difficult to learn. Third, just one student thinks that she can't understand English because English teacher doesn't use visual aids while teaching .Fourth, 4%of students believe that they should learn English in colorful , and attractive classrooms .8% of them believe their English book is very old style one ,so it is not useful in learning process. Moreover, 15% of them said they themselves have a problem that causes this difficulty in getting the language .They absolutely don't study English every single day , so it can't be understood any more.
On the other hand , there are about 31%of students believe that they don't used to learn English because it is our enemies' language ,19% of them don't want learning this language because it is American ,unfortunately.
Finally, we now can identify the real causes behind students' poor level . Easily , we can give more and help them to success ,due to the fact , they want to reach the top and be successful . Therefore, We can put our hands together to raise up our young seeds to be useful, great trees in a way or another because all students who fill in this questionnaire believe that " education is the future" ,so they trust their promising future …
Instructor : Muna Al_Sugair
مرسلة من الثانوية بنات إلى الثانوي بنات بتاريخ 6/11/2010 11:54:00 ص
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